Connecticut Draft Horse calendars are now available. Contact Denise Stevens.
If you have a pull to schedule, please send that information as soon as possible. If you are a puller or member and have a change of address, we need that information to keep the site up to date.
Welcome to After 18 years of tirelessly promoting horsepulling and this website, Bill Torrey retired in 2021. As with any new venture, there have been some bumps along the road. As the 2022 season begins it is with the goal to post even more results and pulls than in 2021. Bill Torrey has been invaluable in his guidance and assistance and it has been so appreciated. There were some pulls that we repeatedly tried to get results without success, but have high hopes for obtaining those in 2022. Please feel free to contact us with suggestions, questions or if you need assistance. We need your input, results, pull info, pictures and anything pertaining to the horsepulling community. We need your membership and input to make this a go. If you need assistance in joining please contact me:
Thank you.
Thank you, JoJo Duvall Russelburg
NOTICE: If you were a member of the website and you didn’t get the email of how to access the new results pages…please let us know by filling out the form on the contact page. All existing members of have access to the results until your renewal date, after which you’ll be asked to renew for 1 year for $25.00.
Pulling results from across the country.
Horse Pulling schedule from across the country.
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