Eastern Ontario Draft Horse Pulling Association Inc. (EODHPA)

Our Objective:

To establish and operate an association for the purpose of:

a) Encouraging and promoting matches and competition in horse drawing and pulling

b) Promoting general interest in horse
drawing or pulling;

Such other complementary purposes not consistent with these objectives.

Our Membership:

To become a member send $30.00 along with your name, address and telephone number to the Secretary/Treasurer (see below)

Your membership fee allows you to receive approximately 10 newsletters each year keeping you informed of current events, pulling schedules and the results of current competitions.

Your membership also gives you the right to vote at our annual meeting when a review of how the organization’s operations and mandate happens.

Susan Keller
813 Gorra Rd. RR #4
Renfrew, ON. K7V3Z7
Tel: 613-433-9050

email: eodhpa@yahoo.com

New members are most welcome. Come join in on the fun.